Homeschool Program

2 weeks of FREE trial classes: 615-538-8360

This program follows the same curriculum as our traditional classes and is available during the day for our students who homeschool. The values that homeschool families are often focused on go hand-in-hand with what we teach at Franklin Family Taekwondo.

of a world where people value each other and themselves, a world full of discipline and mutual respect.

that this dream is attainable and that hard work is rewarded.

these dreams, one child at a time, one family at a time. In this way, we will reach out throughout our entire world.

The 3 Main Elements of our Program

Additional Elements of the Program

Our goal is to help students gain the tools they need to be successful in life. These tools include confidence, discipline, self-control, self-motivation, respect for others and themselves, courtesy, integrity, and many leadership skills. We equip them not only with these skills, but also with a strong desire to always keep growing in life. There is always more to learn. Our motto is "Constant and Never-Ending Improvement." 

Call today 615-538-8360