Call today: 615-538-8360
Call today: 615-538-8360
2 weeks of Free classes - No contract
2 weeks of Free classes - No contract
Find out if this is the place for you!
Find out if this is the place for you!
Don't wait, drop by the school or call to set it up.
Don't wait, drop by the school or call to set it up.
2 weeks of Free classes - No contract
2 weeks of Free classes - No contract
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 1 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 1 pm
Optional Game time from 2-4
Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
- TKD training
- Weapons training
- Self-Defense Training
- Dodgeball and other floor games
- Agility and reaction training
Call today: 615-538-8360
Call today: 615-538-8360
Thank you for giving our family the opportunity to serve your family.
Thank you for giving our family the opportunity to serve your family.